Out in the jungle 150m above the ground, standing tall with the trees - Paul, Apruva and I slept overnight at Chimp's Nest in a treehouse. The treehouse is a 10 minute walk from the lounge/reception, so we were isolated from everything with complete peace and privacy. On our walk to the treehouse I had never been surrounded by so many butterflies; it truly felt enchanting. Dozens of butterflies would be on the ground in front of you, and as you walked by they would all begin to flutter. As much as I hate butterflies, I tried to embrace the beauty. The treehouse terrance/balcony is surrounded by beautiful large trees. Not only that, but there are monkeys all around you! Many were jumping from branch to branch or picking at the jackfruit. It was amazing to be so one with nature. I am excited to shower later, it is located outside on the terrance/balcony. I think it will be a very Tarzan like experience.
The only thing I do not appreciate about the place are are the moths that surround the jungle. If you are still for more than a couple seconds a moth will land on you. And you can feel their tongue "licking" you! I'm trying to relax because I know they aren't hurting me, but to feel them crawl along your body while licking you with a tickling sensation… it is hard to bare. Currently as I'm writing, there are 4 moths on me: one on my head, my shoulder and one on each leg. Apurva is still fighting the moths by waving her arms periodically or switching positions so they do not have a place to land. But for once I am trying to be tough. I'm letting them sit on me… Some have been on me since I started writing! But I do wonder what they're tasting, or why they land on us. I feel like if I sat here all day eventually I would be completely covered by moths. And maybe like the movies, I would morph into some sort of creature?
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